The expression profile of innexins in the C. elegans male

To study the expression pattern of innexins in the male worm, we crossed innexin reporter strains (Altun et al., 2009) with him-5(e1490) strains and analyzed GFP expression using a compound microscope. As describe in the table, innexins are expressed in different tissues and cells of the male worm. These results will be compared to the male connectome project where a lot of gap junctions have been observed in the nervous system.


Microsoft Word - Lazaro-Pena worm breeders gazette (table).doc
Figure 1: Male specific expression is in blue color.


Altun ZF, Chen B, Wang ZW, Hall DH. (2009). High resolution map of Caenorhabditis elegans gap junction proteins. Dev. Dyn. 238, 1936-50.

Published: December 6, 2010 in

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