Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(4): 17
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We have serendipitously recovered a 420 base pair EcoRI cDNA fragment from a C. elegans cDNA library (obtained from B. Barstead and B. Waterston) which probably encodes a portion of the C. elegans histidyl-tRNA synthetase. This fragment was sequenced; and a 250 nucleotide sequence of this fragment was translated and the predicted peptide was used to search EMBL 22 and SWISS-PROT 13 data banks, a significant match with histidyl-tRNA synthetase is found. Our peptide sequence when compared with human histidyl-tRNA synthetase showed a 50% amino acid identity and a 85% similarity when conserved changes are taken into consideration. The 420 bp cDNA fragment was used as a probe to screen the C. elegans cDNA library to obtain a larger cDNA fragment. This resulted in the recovery of a 1.4 kb cDNA fragment that could represent the entire coding region. Both the E. coli and human histidyl-tRNA synthetase coding regions are composed of 424 and 503 codons, respectively (1,2). Using the 420 basepair cDNA fragment as a probe, a YAC filter provided by B. Waterston was used to map this gene. It is found to fall between mec-3 and lin-3 within the deficiency sDf2 on LGIV. We assume that null mutations in this gene will be lethal. The region in which the gene maps is thought to be 70% saturated for essential gene mutations (3). Thus, it is very likely that we already possess mutations in this gene. The gene lies within a 5.5 kb EcoRI genomic DNA fragment, and the gene is likely present in a single copy. We will attempt to identify the lethal which corresponds to this gene by using germ line transformation with the appropriate cosmid.