Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(4): 78

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WANTED: Worms that Benefit from Being Smug

Andrew Papp and Jorge R. Mancillas

Recessive mutations in any of six genes (smg-1 thru smg-6) result in 
the suppression of particular mutations in lin-29, 
similarity is present in two 
cases where suppression has been examined at the molecular level: unc-
54, the body-wall muscle myosin heavy chain, and lin-29, a putative 
transcription factor required for the expression of adult seam cell 
unc-54(r293) is a small deletion in the 3' untranslated region that 
removes the polyadenylation signal sequence.  The result is a 
transcript aberrantly large in size, present in greatly reduced 
amounts.  In unc-54(r293);smg double mutants, substantially more of 
the aberrant transcripts are present, presumably permitting sufficient 
unc-54 product to be synthesized for near-normal motility (Pulak and 
Anderson, WBG 11(1):54).
However, lin-29(n546) is a point mutation in the translated region, 
converting and Arginine to an opal stop codon, and there does not 
appear to be a large difference in the size or abundance of lin-29 
transcripts in n546 or the n546;smg double mutants vs.  wild type (
Rougvie and Ambros, WBG 11(3) :37).  Nevertheless, n546;smg double 
mutants show complete, allele-specific suppression of the lin-29 
phenotype.  This phenomenon may reflect a relatively subtle difference 
in lin-29 mRNA accumulation, perhaps due to instability potentiated by 
a paucity of ribosomes 3' of the opal stop codon.
Numerous alternate explanations of the above results are possible, 
including that both unc-54(r293) and lin-29(n546) are suppressed at 
some other step in the transcript to product pathway, and that a 
process downstream of lin-29 action, but requiring n546 product, is 
stabilized.  In order to address the burning question of what the smg 
genes really do, we are cloning smg-4 from the contig between her-1 
and myo-3.  We also request alleles of any cloned or about-to-be-
cloned genes which show suppression or enhancement in the presence of 
smg mutations.  It is worth checking mutants for smg-suppressibility, 
since it is often nice to have a homozygous mutant which can be 
maintained as nearly wild-type and because once the nature of smg-
suppression is understood, it may shed light on the expression of 
suppressible genes as well.