Worm Breeder's Gazette 13(1): 77 (October 1, 1993)

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Genetic and Molecular Analysis of sel-1 ,a Suppressor of lin-12 and glp-1

Barth Grant, Iva Greenwald

Biochemistry Dept., Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N.Y. 10032

The sel-1 gene may participate in several different cell fate decisions mediated by lin-12 or glp-1 (Sundaram & Greenwald, Genetics, in press). Mutations in the sel-1 gene were found to suppress multiple lin-12 ( n676 n930 )associated defects, enhance lin-12 gain of function defects, and suppress the maternal effect lethal glp-1 allele e2142 .None of the alleles originally studied display phenotypes in a wild type background. We are continuing the characterization of the sel-1 gene by determining its null phenotype, molecular nature, and cellular focus.

Gene dosage studies indicated that existing sel-1 mutations are reduction or loss of function alleles (Sundaram & Greenwald, Genetics, in press). Since sel-1 alleles were originally identified by reverting the egg laying defect of a lin-12 hypomorph, sel-1 (0)alleles would not have been obtained if they caused an Egl, sterile, or lethal phenotype. We therefore performed a noncomplementation screen for sel-1 (0) alleles based on the observation that sel-1 /Dfsuppresses glp-1 ( e2142 )but sel-1 /+does not. Our preliminary analysis of 10,500 chromosomes screened after EMS mutagenesis indicates that we have isolated two new sel-1 alleles. Both new alleles suppress lin-12 and glp-1 ,and display no other obvious phenotype. This information combined with the gene dosage studies indicates that the sel-1 null phenotype is probably wild type.

We mapped sel-1 to a position between the cloned polymorphism arP5 and the cloned gene lin-25 (Tuck & Greenwald, WBG 12(5):49). This interval of about 200kb is completely covered by overlapping cosmid clones. We tested clones from this interval for sel-1 gene activity by two assays. First, we found that cosmids C06C11 and T17C2 complement the suppression of glp-1 ( e2142 )when coinjected with a dpy-20 (+)marker. Curiously, no complementation occurred with arrays formed with the rol-6 (d)marker. Second, we found that a 10kb HindIII subclone from C06C11 complements suppression of lin-12 ( n676 n930 )as well as suppression of glp-1 ( e2142 ).We are currently sequencing our smallest rescuing clone of 6.8kb, and isolating cDNAs derived from this region.