Worm Breeder's Gazette 13(2): 32 (February 1, 1994)

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Drosophila MAP kinase kinase (MAPKK) Suppressed let-23 Vulvaless Phenotype and Induced a Normal Vulva

Makoto Koga and Yasumi Ohshima

D sor1 ,a MAPKK of Drosophila, has been shown to function downstream of D
raf1 (Drosophila Raf ) in signal transduction pathways mediated by a receptor tyrosine
kinase. Taking evolutionary conservation of kinase cascades in signal transduction
pathways into account, a MAPKK should exist downstream of Let-23 receptor tyrosine
kinase in the vulval induction pathway of C. elegans. To test this idea, D sor1 cDNAs
(wild type and su1 gain of function mutant ) under the control of hsp16 -41promoter of
pPD49 .83vector were introduced into let-23 ( sy97 )vulvaless mutant as
extrachromosomal arrays with rol-6 (d)marker gene. Heat shock treatment of the
transformant lines induced a normal vulva in many individuals (Table 1 ). These
results strongly suggest that a C. elegans MAPKK is involved in the vulval induction
pathway downstream of the Let-23 .But, unexpectedly overexpression of a Drosophila
MAPKK did not cause Muv in contrast to the overexpression of let-60 ras or lin-3
which causes Muv.
  We have an idea to explain these observations shown below. According to this
idea, there is a difference between the middle three VPCs (P5.-P7.p) and the other
VPCs in the ability to respond to MAPKK activation or overexpression, but not to those
of let-60 ras or lin-3 .It is also expected that hs-D sor1 will cause Muv when it is
introduced into a vulvaless double mutant with a let-23 mutation and another recessive
Muv mutation ( lin-13 ,36, 8, 9, or 15 etc.). These experiments to test our idea are in
progress, and we also plan to screen for mutants in which MAPKK activation causes