Worm Breeder's Gazette 15(3): 1 (June 1, 1998)

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

****************EIGHT POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS OPEN**************


Eight three-year postdoctoral positions are available under an EEC TMR
network (Training and Mobility Research program) to work in one of the
eight following laboratories:

Michel Labouesse - IGBMC, Strasbourg (France) (Coordinator of the network)
Julie Ahringer - Cambridge University, Cambridge (UK)
Thierry Bogaert - Devgen, Gent (Belgium)
Ian Hope - Leeds University, Leeds (UK)
Iain Johnstone - Glasgow University, Glasgow (UK)
Ronald Plasterk - NKI, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Ralf Schnabel - Technical University Braunschweig, Braunschweig(Germany)
Fritz Mueller - Fribourg University, Fribourg (Schweiz)

Projects will be centered around two major topics, embryogenesis and
1!) Embryogenesis: specification of embryonic cell-fates and
morphogenesis of the embryo based on molecular and classical genetics,
video- and fluorescence-microscopy. 2!) Genomics: design of molecular
tools to allow conditional expression of proteins and development of
novel approaches for functional analysis of the genome sequence.

More details can be found on the network webpage

Applicants must be citizens of the EEC, Israel, or Liechtenstein and can
forward their resume together with letters of recommendation directly to
individual labs.