Worm Breeder's Gazette 15(3): 25 (June 1, 1998)

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Cloning and characterization of mei-2.

Martin Srayko, Paul E. Mains

University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA T2N 4N1

    The mei-1 gene product is required for assembly and/or maintenance of the meiotic spindle.  mei-2 acts genetically as an activator of mei-1.  Recently, mei-2 was identified by the RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) approach.  We chose a clone within the genetically defined mei-2 region because it contained a predicted gene with very weak similarity to a synaptonemal complex (SC) protein.  Initially, we injected RNA transcribed from a genomic region that contained a portion of this putative SC gene.  This gave no phenotype.  However, a second clone (a 4.8kb XbaI genomic fragment derived from cosmid F57B10) did give the mei-2(ct102) phenotype.  This clone contained the SC gene and another small gene (genefinder prediction), transcribed in the opposite direction.  A 1.5kb XbaI-SpeI subclone that just contained the other gene, gave the mei-2 RNAi phenotype (the SC gene turned out to be a red herring, but it thankfully led us to the right gene!).  Chris Shelton and Bruce Bowerman independently found mei-2 in a large-scale survey for maternal-effect RNAi-induced phenotypes (Thanks to Chris and Bruce for communicating their data).
    RT-PCR -derived cDNA for mei-2 was used to establish the gene structure, shown in Figure 1.  mei-2 is trans-spliced to SL1 and encodes 280 amino acids.  All four mei-2mutations have been sequenced (Fig 1.).  Each of the alleles contain G/C-A/T transitions, resulting in missense mutations.  sb31 has an additional 35bp deletion that removes a splice donor sequence within the third intron.  Based on this molecular data and complementation data, we believe sb31 represents the null phenotype of mei-2.
Figure 1.  The molecular structure of mei-2 and the location of mutations.

    Northern analysis of mei-2 (probed against gravid N2, L1, L2/L3, L4, glp-1(lf), fem-1(lf), fem-3(gf) indicates strong expression in both female and male germlines.  This is somewhat surprising, given that mei-2 mutations exhibit strict maternal-effect lethality.
    BLAST searches with the predicted MEI-2 sequence suggest it is a pioneer protein.  However, another C. elegans gene does have high similarity and we are currently testing to see if this is mel-45, a gene that genetically interacts with mei-2 and mei-1.
    MEI-1 protein shares sequence similarity to katanin p60 subunit, a sea urchin ATPase implicated in microtubule severing activity at the centrosome.  Although it is unlikely that MEI-1 is an orthologue (MEI-1 is localized to the meiotic spindle, not the centrosome), it is possible that MEI-1's role is to produce very short meiotic spindles by severing microtubules.  Surprisingly, MEI-2 sequence has a short region of similarity (albeit at a low level) to katanin's p80 subunit.  This subunit localizes the complex to the centrosome in sea urchin.  Perhaps MEI-2 localizes MEI-1 to the meiotic spindle in an analogous fashion.  Antibody production is currently underway to determine the localization pattern of MEI-2.