Worm Breeder's Gazette 8(1): 6

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Genetics of X-Chromosome Expression

P. Meneely, W.B. Wood

Genes whose mutant phenotype depends on the number of X-chromosomes 
may be involved in regulating or interpreting X-chromosome expression. 
Four genes, the autosomal dpy-26 and dpy-21 and the X-linked dpy-22 
and dpy-23 have such X-dependent mutant phenotypes (Hodgkin, MGG, in 
press).  The autosomal mutants are non-Dpy when the X:A ratio is below 
about 0.67, Dpy when the X:A ratio is around 1, and inviable when the 
X:A ratio is above about 1.3 ( Meneely & Wood, Genetics, in press).  
The parallel between these latter two phenotypes and the phenotypes of 
X hyperploids suggests that in dpy-21 and dpy-26 mutants the level of 
X expression may be inappropriately high.  In contrast, the phenotypes 
of the X-linked dpy-22 and dpy-23 mutants are that 2X animals are sick 
Dpys and 1X animals are inviable except for occasional dpy-22 XO 
escapers which are very Dpy.  We postulate that the Dpy phenotype in 
2X animals results from inappropriately low X-expression, and that 1X 
animals are inviable for the same reason.
Although a definitive test of these hypotheses will require 
molecular assays of X-chromosome transcription, we have obtained 
genetic evidence that supports them, by examining the phenotypes of X-
linked hypomorphic mutations in the presence of dpy-21 and dpy-22 
mutations.  By definition, a hypomorph is a mutation whose defective 
phenotype becomes less defective with increasing dose of the mutant 
allele; that is, if m is a hypomorphic mutation, the severity of 
phenotype will vary in the manner m/DF > m/m > m/m/m.  We have used 
the three X-linked hypomorphs unc-3(e54), 14), and 
lin-15(n767).In 2X animals homozygous for dpy-21(e428) and any one of 
these mutations, the hypomorph is suppressed; that is, its phenotype 
becomes less severe.  In 1X dpy-21(e428) animals carrying any one of 
the hypomorphs, the hypomorph is also suppressed.  Other dpy-21 
alleles as well as dpy-26 alleles are being tested.  Since the 
hypomorphic mutations themselves do not appear to have a common 
physiological basis, this finding suggests that the dpy-21 mutation 
suppresses them by increasing overall expression of the X in both 1X 
and 2X animals.  Consistent with this view is that dpy-21(e428) does 
not suppress an apparent null (amorphic) allele of unc-3, nor does dpy-
21(e428) suppress any of eight autosomal hypomorphs so far tested.
Conversely, dpy-22(e652, the only known mutant allele) increases the 
severity of all three X-linked hypomorphs in 2X animals, suggesting 
that it decreases overall expression of the X.  Furthermore, dpy-22 
67) XO escapers have the phenotype of strong lin-15 
alleles in XO animals: they are Dpy males with multiple vulvae.  The 
dpy-22 mutation does not affect autosomal hypomorphs so far tested.
To examine the interaction of dpy-21 and dpy-22, we have constructed 
the double mutant dpy-21(e428);dpy22(e652).  Its phenotype is similar 
to that of the single mutant dpy-22(e652): XX animals are sick Dpy 
hermaphrodites, and XO animals are inviable.
Taken together, our results suggest that dpy-21+ is a negative 
regulator and dpy-22+ is a positive regulator of X-expression in both 
XO and XX animals.  The finding that dpy-22(e652) is apparently 
epistatic to dpy-21(e428) in the double mutant suggests further that 
dpy-21+ may act by negatively regulating dpy-22.  We have preliminary 
evidence that the one known dpy-23 mutation does not affect the three 
X-linked hypomorphs.  We would like to have a larger collection of 
both X-linked and autosomal hypomorphs, and will welcome any 