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October 19, 2009

Dear Worm Workers,

As we announced at the International Worm Meeting in June, WormBook has decided to revive the Worm Breeder's Gazette (WBG) in electronic form. The original WBG let researchers announce experimental results that were not yet published, correct errors in published work, and describe methods and techniques that might be useful to the whole community. Informal conversations with many of you indicate that these features of the WBG are missed. In particular people most regret not learning about new techniques and improvements in older methods in a timely fashion.

We at WormBook are willing to try to get the WBG going again, and we encourage you to consider submitting a short note for inclusion in the first issue of the new WBG, especially if you have a new method you would like to share. As with the previous WBG, submissions should be kept to a single page in length including figures, tables and videos. Detailed author instructions can be found at http://www.wormbook.org/wbg_instructions.html. As with the previous version of the WBG (and abstracts for the Worm Meetings), contributions for the WBG will be linked to WormBase and will be considered personal communications and cannot be cited without the permission of the authors.

We would like to publish on a twice/year schedule (June and December for each year). To be able to assemble each issue, we would like to receive your contributions one month before the publication date. For our first issue, to be published December 10, 2009, please email your submission to Jane Mendel (mendelj@caltech.edu) by this November 15. We look forward to receiving your contribution.

All the best,

Marty Chalfie
Editor-in-Chief, WormBook

Jane Mendel
Editor, WormBook

Creative Commons License All WormBook content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.